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The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents 

Representing the senior operational leaders of the Police Service of Scotland in the ranks of Superintendent and Chief Superintendent.

People, Policing & Policy

Provide informed and professional comment, and where appropriate, provide leadership, in relation to key issues affecting policing in Scotland and with a particular focus on people, policing and policy.

Welfare & Efficiency Matters

Consider and report to the Chief Constable, Scottish Police Authority, Scottish Ministers, Police Negotiating Board and the public, matters affecting the welfare and efficiency of the service and members.

Influence Scottish Policing

Act as a professional, independent and influential voice for issues and developments affecting Scottish policing and contribute to the ongoing development of policing in Scotland.

What we Do

The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents represents the senior operational leaders of the Police Service of Scotland in the ranks of Superintendent and Chief Superintendent.

Our History

The origins of the Association can be traced to 1805, which saw the earliest reference to the rank of Superintendent found in the annals of the City of Edinburgh Police. Statutory recognition was not given to the rank until enactment of the Police (Scotland) Act 1857. Many developments followed leading to the evolution of the Association’s present name in 1953.

Our People

The ASPS comprises of a number of National Officers who represent it in dealings with the Scottish and UK Governments. The National Officers also represent members’ views on a number of regional and national meetings and groups. There is also an Executive Committee representing the geographical regions of Scotland who meets locally to discuss relevant issues.

Our Principles & Values

Our values of Fairness, Integrity and Respect are underpinned by fundamental human rights, all of which are enshrined in the Code of Ethics of the Police Service of Scotland and in law. Our foundational Principles are Learning & Leadership, Ethics, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Efficiency & Effectiveness and Sustainability & Resilience.

About the association

The Association works constructively with the service and our stakeholders, challenging where necessary, to champion issues of strategic importance and support the ongoing development of policing.

Through influencing and shaping continuous improvement and efficiency in policing services, ASPS aims to deliver better outcomes for members and the citizens and communities of Scotland.

The association continues to be a strong voice for all Superintendents.


Recent updates from our social media channel

Tackling The Rise In Assaults Against Police Officers Read the latest blog from Chief Superintendent Rob Hay: https://scottishpolicesupers.org/2025/02/03/tackling-the-rise-in-assaults-against-police-officers/

President Rob Hay: “We wish all the best to Martyn Evans as he steps down as chair of the Authority. He has been a great friend to the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents and he will be sorely missed.” https://policeprofessional.com/news/tributes-paid-to-martyn-evans-as-he-steps-down-as-chair-of-the-spa/

Officers investigating homicides in Scotland have been praised for “outstanding investigations by divisional, national and specialist teams” https://1919magazine.co.uk/january2025/notebook-january-2025/

Rise In Mental Health-Related Calls Takes Officers Away From Core Duties says Chief Superintendent Rob Hay, President of The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents

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Contacting Us

01259 732 122

Scottish Police College – Tulliallan, Kincardine, FK10 4BE


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Photographs courtesy of David Wilson. All rights reserved.