Pay & Conditions
Pay and Conditions
As the senior operational leaders of the service, the superintending ranks carry significant responsibility and provide leadership across all aspects of operational policing to keep the people of Scotland safe. Policing in Scotland is undergoing major reform and the roles and responsibilities of the superintending ranks continue to evolve. It is important that pay reflects the significant responsibilities, size and span of commands, and the levels of risk of our members. ASPS is committed to ensuring a fair pay settlement for our members and to ensuring that other terms and conditions of service are reasonable, realistic and fair.
You can read full details on The Police Negotiating Board website by CLICKING HERE.
Members of ASPS have committed their working lives to serving and protecting the public. Recent changes to UK public sector pension mean that our members are paying more towards their pension and in the future will work longer and receive less. ASPS is committed to getting the best possible deal in what are exceptionally challenging economic conditions.
You can read full details about our pension on the Scottish Public Pension Agency website by CLICKING HERE.
Contacting Us
01259 732 122
Scottish Police College – Tulliallan, Kincardine, FK10 4BE

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Photographs courtesy of David Wilson. All rights reserved.