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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Increasing numbers of senior police officers in Scotland are suffering from poor mental health exacerbated by understaffing and high demand, the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS) has said. Speaking on World Mental Health Day, ASPS President Rob Hay...

ASPS President Joins Pay Demonstration

ASPS President Joins Pay Demonstration

The President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents joined a demonstration yesterday outside the Scottish Parliament, protesting the lack of a pay deal for officers. In May, a claim was submitted for a 5.7% pay rise, but five months on negotiations...

Police officers in Scotland need to be supported, rather than being subject to even more misconduct legislation

No Stigma In Asking For Help

Chief Superintendent Rob Hay, President of The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents We’ve been talking to the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee about the steps taken by Police Scotland to improve mental health among the workforce. On 11 September, the...

Pensions Update from Chief Superintendent Rob Hay

Pensions Update from Chief Superintendent Rob Hay

We met DCC Alan Speirs just before the summer holidays to discuss our dispute over interest onpension contribution due to remedy. We were clear what we were looking for from this for ourmembers would be that contributions owed would be frozen and can be repaid when...

Updates from our Twitter account

Concerns are growing over the rising number of drug drivers after a festive crackdown resulted in more positive results for illegal substances than alcohol.

Tackling The Rise In Assaults Against Police Officers Read the latest blog from Chief Superintendent Rob Hay:

President Rob Hay: “We wish all the best to Martyn Evans as he steps down as chair of the Authority. He has been a great friend to the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents and he will be sorely missed.”

Officers investigating homicides in Scotland have been praised for “outstanding investigations by divisional, national and specialist teams”

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Photographs courtesy of David Wilson. All rights reserved.