Police Must Intervene More Quickly On Mental Health

Screenshot Police Scotland has good initiatives to deal with officers in mental health crises, but it needs to get better at preventing officers reaching that point in the first place, the Vice President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents has said....

No Stigma In Asking For Help

Chief Superintendent Rob Hay, President of The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents We’ve been talking to the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee about the steps taken by Police Scotland to improve mental health among the workforce. On 11 September, the...

Fallen Scottish Colleagues Remembered at Annual Memorial Service

The 20th Scottish Police Memorial Trust Service of Remembrance took place at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan, on Wednesday, 4 September, where seven new names were added to the roll of honour. The memorial stones, which are based on the grounds of Tulliallan,...

Pensions Update from Chief Superintendent Rob Hay

We met DCC Alan Speirs just before the summer holidays to discuss our dispute over interest onpension contribution due to remedy. We were clear what we were looking for from this for ourmembers would be that contributions owed would be frozen and can be repaid when...

Police Family Remembers fallen colleagues at COPS Weekend

There was emotion and humour as police officers who have died on duty were remembered by their family and friends at the Care of Police Survivors (COPS) Annual Service of Remembrance. Surviving family members and serving police officers gathered at the National...